Probiotic Ketchup

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Net Wt. 8 oz.

Real Food Devotee Probiotic Ketchup is kid-friendly & free of refined sugar. We partner with biodynamic farmers who hand-pick lush, perfectly ripe tomatoes just for us. We use the ancestral practice of fermentation to not only concentrate and preserve the flavors of these best-of-the-best tomatoes but, to imbue Real Food Devotee Ketchup with health-promoting probiotics & minerals. And it’s just soooo good on a grass-fed hot dog.

Fermented Ingredients: tomato, pure water, maple syrup, apple cider vinegar, garlic, molasses, allspice, clove, cayenne & unrefined sea salt

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Did you know popular ketchup brands contain corn syrup AND high-fructose corn syrup? And the brands that don’t, commonly contain 4 grams of refined sugar per tablespoon.

Real Food Devotee Probiotic Ketchup is a gateway fermented food. If you or someone you love thinks the flavor of fermented foods isn’t delicious, this is the perfect place to begin.

Did you know most popular fermented food brands use a starter culture to skip the time and culinary skill required to wild-ferment? Sadly this choosing speed over wise-tradition robs us of probiotic diversity. Science now shows that grater probiotic gut diversity directly correlates to robust health. As diversity in our gut microbiome increases, the immune system is balanced, digestion is more complete and incidence of allergies and disease decrease.

Did you know all fermented food and drinks are hydrating because they are high in electrolytes?

Want to build a rich microbiome & resilient immune system with each bite you enjoy? Consume a wide variety of fermented foods! Traditional fermented foods like this one have a long history of multi-cultural significance, medicinal usefulness.

We’ve created a diverse menu of fermented, probiotic foods so, all you have to do is share the love at your table and reap the life-changing health benefits.

Our kitchen is a a rare place where the old-ways of our ancestors are honored. In our kitchen, time is not money. Time is intention, reverence to ingredients and love. As you go out into the chaotic cadence of modern-day, Real Food Devotee is honored to support a frequency of peace by bringing true nourishment to you.

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